- 桀(emperorofXiadynasty)桀 cruel
- 夏桀 name of the last emperor of the Hsia Dynasty -- a synonym of cruelty and oppression
- 桀傲不逊 Arrogant and unyielding
- 桀骜不训 Wild and intractable
- 天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡。 Nature is the true law.
- 桀是个极端残暴、放荡的人。 Jie was extremely tyrannical and dissolute.
- 鸡栖于桀,日之夕矣,羊牛下括。 The sun's already set,the fowls are roosting in their nest,the sheep and cattle come to rest.
- 天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡 Nature is the true law
- 这个国家在非洲的行动无异于助桀为虐。 What this country is doing in Africa is as much as holding a light to the devil.
- 末代统治者桀已有"女乐三万人"。 Jie, last ruler of the Xia Dynasty, had 30,000 women dancers.
- 天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡 Nature is the true law
- 回想平时的点滴,我们总是桀骜难羁。 Just think of you and me, we could never toe the line.
- 倔强的拒不服从的或反抗的;桀傲不驯的 Obstinately disobedient or rebellious;insubordinate.
- 桀大概是起了疑心,把他抓去关了一阵,没多久又放了他。 King Jie became suspicious and imprisoned hin, but set him free not long after.
- 倔强的拒不服从的或反抗的;桀傲不驯的 Obstinately disobedient or rebellious;insubordinate.
- 当时因为你对我那样桀骜,我做得可就有些出格了。 On account of your rebellious manner to me I was tempted to go further than I should have done.
- 布蕾吉特很矛盾、很受伤;她桀骜不逊、拙于理解。 Bridget, conflicted and deeply wounded, is unyielding and slow to understand.
- 当时因为你对我那样桀骜,我做得可就有些出格了。 On account of your rebellious manner to me I was tempted to go further than I should have done.
- 从商汤放桀的公元前1559年到武王杀纣的公元前1050年, Total number of years from Shangtang's release of Xiaji to exile in BC 1559 to Zhouwuwang's Conquest of Shang in BC 1050
- 因为有曾史之流的学说,才造就了桀及跖等恶人的罪行。 Actually, it is the doctrines of Zen Can and Shi You caused crimes of Jie and Robber Zhi.