- 果实特异性2A11启动子 Fruit-specific 2All promoter
- 果实特异性启动子 fruit-specific promoter
- 果实特异性E8启动子 Fruit-specific E8 promoter
- 香蕉果实特异性ACC合酶基因启动子区的克隆及其功能初探 Cloning of Promoter of Banana Fruit-specific ACC Synthase Gene and Primary Study on its Function
- 子 midnight
- 启动 to start
- 重新启动 reboot
- 果实特异性启动子驱动的含sbr基因植物高效表达载体的构建 Construction of A Plant Effective Expression Vector Driving by A Fruit Specitic Promoter for the Expression of sbr
- 果实特异表达 fruit specific expression
- 启动子 promotor
- 果实特异表达芪合酶基因的表达载体构建及农杆菌重组 Recombination of Agrobacterium Strains with Plant-expression Vectors Containing Fruit Special Expression Promoter and Stilbene Synthase Gene
- 眼特异性 eye specificity
- 聚合酶链反应-序列特异性引物方法检测儿科疾病基因多态性 Polymerase Chain Reaction - Sequence Special Primers in Detecting Gene Polymorphism of Pediatrics Diseases
- 吸附特异性 adsorptive selectivity
- 范畴特异性 category specificity
- 果实特异表达启动子 Fruit specific promoter
- 辅酶特异性 coenzyme specificity
- 基因和mec启动子的多态性研究 Evaluation of the genetic polymorphism of mecI and mec promoter region in MRSA
- 朝向特异性 configuration knowledge. orientation specificity
- 品系特异性 event-specific