- 林可霉素A Lincomycin A
- 甲硝唑联合林可霉素与庆大霉素联合地塞米松治疗上颌窦炎的比较 Comparison of effect of metronidazole combined with lincomycin and gentamycin combined with dexamethasone in treatment of chronic maxillary sinusitis
- 文摘:应用超滤和纳滤的组合分离技术,纯化浓缩林可霉素发酵液,简化了提炼工艺过程。 Abstract: The method for purification of the concentrated Lincom ycin broth using the combination separation technique with nanofiltration and ul trafiltration processes is described.
- 应用膜分离技术改进林可霉素提炼工艺 Membrane separation technique applied to improving extraction of lincomycin
- 林可霉素生物合成缺陷的同源重组菌鉴定 Identification of Homologous Recombination of Lincomycin Biosynthesis Defective Strains
- 碳霉素A carbomycinA
- 头霉素A Cephamycin A
- 林可霉素利多卡因凝胶含量测定方法的改进 Improvement on the Method for the Determination of Lincomycin Hydrochloride and Lidocaine Hydrochloride Gel
- 涂霉素A Hehxin
- 狭霉素A angustmycin A
- 越霉素A Destomycin A; Destonate 20
- 林可霉素B Lincomycin B
- 轭霉素A ZM-A; zygomycin A
- 他可霉素 natamycin
- 醌霉素A levomycin
- 万可霉素 Vancomycin
- 潮霉素A hygromycin A
- 马可霉素 marcomycin
- 单霉素A monomycin A
- 白可霉素 bykomycin