- 有理三次Bézier曲线 rational cubic Bezier curve
- 有理三次Bézier插值 rational cubic Bézier interpolation
- 一类基于函数值的有理三次样条曲线的形状控制 Shape Control of a Rational Cubic Interpolating Spline Based on Function Values
- 有理二次Bézier曲线 rational quadratic Bézier curve
- 有理三次Bezier曲线 cubic Bezier curve
- 四次Bézier曲线 Bézier curve
- 有理三次样条 rational cubic spline
- C-Bézier曲线 C-Bézier curve
- 有理三次多项式 rational triple polynomial
- 拟Bézier曲线 Bezier-like curves
- H-Bézier曲线 H - Bézier curve
- 有理三次样条函数 rational cubic splines
- Be’zier曲线 Be'zier curves
- 这三个原则,换一句话来讲,就是“有理”,“有利”,“有节”。 In other words,the three principles are to fight "on just grounds","to our advantage" and "with restraint".
- 双曲Bézier曲线 hyperbolic Bézier curve
- 图像分割中采用自适应三次B样条修饰轮廓线 Adopt adaptive B-spline to embellish contours in image segmentation
- TC-Bézier曲线 TC-Bézier curves
- 多元零次有理插值的存在条件及算法 Existence Condition for Multivariate Rational Interpolation of Zero Degree and Related Algorithm
- 基于三次B样条小波的结肠镜图像暗区中心点估计的研究 Research into Estimating Lumen Center of Dark Region in Colon Ima ge via Cubic B-Spline Wavelet
- 广义Bézier曲线 generalized Bézier curve