- 有序介孔材料CMK-3 ordered mesoporous
- 有序介孔材料 The ordered .mesoporous material
- MCM-41有序介孔材料 MCM-41 ordered mesoporous materials
- 乙烷桥键有序介孔材料 periodic mesoporous ethanesilica
- 摘要系统地介绍了有序介孔硅胶及其复合材料的研究进展。 Ordered mesoporous silicas and its hybrid materials could open the door for new stationary phase of chromatography.
- 有序介孔材料在分离科学中的应用 Applications Of Ordered Mesoporous Materials In Separation Science
- 有序介孔 ordered mesoporous
- 新型层柱微孔材料ZnAl-XW_9Cu_3(X=Si~(4+),Ga~(3+))的合成、表征及其酯化活性研究 Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Activity of New Layered Microporous Materials ZnAl-XW 9Cu 3(X=Si 4+ ,Ga 3+ )
- 介孔 mesoporous
- 有序介孔炭 Ordered mesoporous carbons
- 介孔碳 Mesoporous carbon
- 三维有序大孔材料 three-dimensionally ordered macroporous material
- 介孔炭 mesoporous carbon
- 介孔膜 mesoporous membranes
- 刚柔嵌段共聚物自组装制备有序孔材料研究进展 Developments in Self-Assembly of Ordered Porous Materials from Rod-Coil Block Copolymers
- 介孔硅 mesoporous silica
- 介孔HMS mesGporous HMS
- 介孔NiO mesoporous NiO
- 介孔WO3 mesoporous WO3
- 微介孔 micro-mesoporous