- 最小LM单位根检验 Minimum LM Unit-root Test
- 最 most
- ADF单位根检验中联合检验F统计量研究 The Analysis of United Test of F Statistics in ADF Unit Root Test
- 最小的 lowest
- 最小化 minimum
- 利用加权对称估计量对季节性时间序列的单位根检验 Unit Root Test with the Weighted Symmetric Estimator for the Seasonal Time Series
- 最小 least
- 最大的 maximal
- 最大 largest
- 具有GJR-GARCH-skewt误差项时序的ADF单位根检验 ADF Unit Root Test on Time Series with GJR-GARCH-skewt Error Term
- 最小二乘法 least squares technique
- 泛函中心极限定理渐进性与具有GARCH误差项的金融时序单位根检验 Functional Central Limit Theorem approximations and ADF Unit Root Test of Financial Time Series With GARCH-GED Error Term
- 最小公倍数 lowest common multiple (L.C.M.)
- 最小二乘 least square(s)
- 单位根检验! Dickey fuller test for a unit root!
- 新加坡,这个世界上最小也是最发达的国家之一,上周庆祝国家独立三十周年。 Singapore, the world the minimal and one of the most advanced nation, celebrated the nation independent of30 anniversaries in last week.
- 中国出口月度数据的季节性单位根检验 Seasonal Unit Root Test on China's Monthly Export Data
- 单位根的DF、ADF检验与PP检验比较研究 The Research on the Comparison of Unit Root Test of DF,ADF and PP
- 班是军队的最小构成单位。 A squad is the smallest unit in an army.
- 具有TARCH-SGED误差项的ADF单位根检验 ADF Unit Root Test on TARCH-SGED Error