- 最小Higgs模型 littlest Higgs model
- R_b的测量值对最小Higgs模型的约束 Constraints of the R_b on the Littlest Higgs Model
- 最 most
- 最小化 minimum
- 1+1维U(1)Higgs模型的Non-contractable loop和Sphaleron Non-contractable Loops and Sphalerons in 1+1-dimension U(1) Higgs Model
- 最小 least
- 最小的 lowest
- 最大的 maximal
- 最小二乘法 least squares technique
- 最小公倍数 lowest common multiple (L.C.M.)
- 最小二乘 least square(s)
- 班是军队的最小构成单位。 A squad is the smallest unit in an army.
- 新加坡,这个世界上最小也是最发达的国家之一,上周庆祝国家独立三十周年。 Singapore, the world the minimal and one of the most advanced nation, celebrated the nation independent of30 anniversaries in last week.
- 最小原则模型 min-principle model
- 最小假设模型 minimalist hypothesis model
- 最小成本模型 minimum cost model
- 最小能量模型 minimum energy model
- 最小平方差模型 a least - squares model - based
- Bergman最小模型 Bergman's minimal model
- 线性模型辨识的最小绝对值法 The Distinguishing of Linear Model of the Least Absolute Value Method