- 放线菌素D,更生霉素,放线霉素D,更新霉素,新福霉素 ACTD
- 放线菌素D,更生霉素,放线霉素D,新福霉素,更新霉素 Actinomycin D
- 放线菌素D,放线菌素C1, 更生霉素 Actinomycin C1
- 更生霉素是放射线菌素群中的一种抗生素,C62H86N12O16,从细菌中分离出来,在某些癌症的治疗中,被用作一种抗肿瘤的药物。 Dactinomycin is an antibiotic of the actinomycin group,C62H86N12O16,isolated from bacteria and used as an antineoplastic agent in the treatment of certain cancers.
- 更生霉素,放线菌素D,放线菌素C Kenshengmycin
- 长春花碱、放线菌素D、博莱霉素、苯丁酸氮芥和环磷酰胺 VAB-Ⅲ
- 维生霉素 Ribostamycin
- 生防放线菌 actinomyces
- 芽生霉素 blastomycin
- 变色放线菌素 litmocidin
- 新生霉素钙口服悬液 novobiocin calcium oral suspension
- 内生放线菌 Endophytic actinomycetes
- 芽生霉素,稻瘟霉素 blastomycin
- 放线菌素C cactinomycin
- 微生子放线菌 Actinomyces gonidiaformis; Fusobacterium gonidiaformans
- 噻唑霉素,酸霉素,肉桂霉素,杀枝杆菌素,放线噻唑酸 Mycobacidin
- 芽生霉素;从皮炎芽生菌真菌的培养中获得的制剂,作为芽生菌病的皮内诊治 a preparation that is derived from a culture of the fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis and is injected intracutaneously as a diagnostic test for blastomycosis
- 生防放线菌SC1 antinomycetes SC1
- 芽生霉素从皮炎芽生菌真菌的培养中获得的制剂,作为芽生菌病的皮内诊治 A preparation that is derived from a culture of the fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis and is injected intracutaneously as a diagnostic test for blastomycosis.
- 放线菌素A actinoflavin