- 那不是稀有的鸟,只不过是普通的麻雀。
It isn't a rare bird, just a common or garden sparrow.
- 说声谢谢不过是普通的礼貌。
It would only have been common courtesy to say thank you.
- 骨粉和硝酸盐是普通的肥料。
Bone-meal and nitrates are common fertilizers.
- 别尽用那种专门术语--用普通的词语解释吧。
Don't use all that technical lingo try and explain in plain English.
- 我父亲是个普通的农民。
My father was a simple farm-worker.
- 荨麻是一种普通的野生植物。
Nettle is a kind of common wild plant.
- 他们只不过是普通的村民。
They are just simple country folk.
- 普通的白玻璃是透明的。
Plain glass is transparent.