- 星载CCD相机 Satellite CCD camera
- 中国星载CCD相机控温仪性能比较 Property Comparison of Thermal Controller for CCD Camera Loading in China Satellite
- 空间太阳望远镜星载CCD图像压缩单元的研究 Compression Technique for onboard CCD Image of Space Solar Telescope
- 载 year
- 星载多光谱CCD相机电子电路研制 Development of a Multispectral CCD Camera Electronics for Satellite
- 北斗七星 Triones
- 载频 carrier frequency
- 七星瓢虫 Coccinella septempunctata
- 这架相机漏光。 The camera leaks light.
- 载玻片 glass slide
- 四星 four stars
- 他表示要与她交换相机。 He offered to swap his camera for hers.
- 几乎每个旅行者都带着相机。 Almost every traveller carried about a camera.
- 载气 eluant gas
- 名星 etoile
- 按快门时要拿稳相机。 Hold the camera steadily when pressing the shutter.
- 占星师 stargazer
- 载物台 object stage
- 别忘了给你的相机装胶卷。 Don't forget to load your camera.
- 环丙沙星 ciprofloxacin