- 星载寄生式SAR spacebome parasitic SAR
- 星载寄生式SAR系统频率同步分析 Analysis of Frequency Synchronization Error in Spaceborne Parasitic SAR System
- 针对星载寄生式SAR系统对地观测应用背景,详细分析了频率同步误差对双站SAR成像的影响,以法国提出的“干涉车轮”构形为例,对同步误差进行了仿真。 Based on the spaceborne parasitic SAR earth observation application,the author aimed to analyse the influence of the frequency synchronization error to the bistatic SAR imaging. The "interferometric cartwheel" configuration was employed as an example,to make computer simulation of the synchronization error.
- 星载寄生式InSAR Spaceborne parasitic InSAR
- 时间同步误差对星载寄生式InSAR系统干涉相位的影响分析 Effect of Time Synchronization Error on Interferometric Phase of Spaceborne Parasitic InSAR System
- 载 year
- 高分辨率星载聚束式SAR成像处理实现方法 The Realization of Image Formation Algorithm for High Resolution Spaceborne Spotlight SAR
- 北斗七星 Triones
- 美式英语 American English
- 载频 carrier frequency
- 巴洛克式 barpque
- 针式打印机 stylus printer
- 干腐菌的密集寄生 an infestation of dry rot
- 载玻片 glass slide
- 名星 etoile
- 流式细胞仪 flow cytometry
- 占星师 stargazer
- 板式换热器 plate exchanger
- 载气 eluant gas
- 爱情是男人仰看天空的一颗星,而婚姻是他掉进去的洞穴。 Love is the star a man looking up to and marriage is the hole he falling into.