- 他认为,人类生活中没有哪一方面不与文化相联系并为之所改变。 Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf once produced a hypothesis on the relation between language and culture.
- 一地区原始的或最早为人所知的人 a member of the indigenous or earliest known population of a region
- 所 place
- 土著人一地区原始的或最早为人所知的人 A member of the indigenous or earliest known population of a region.
- 好自为之 look out for yourself
- 这个冠军没有真正的竞争对手,比赛谁是胜家早为人知。 The champion has no real competition and the contest has turned into a one-horse race.
- 如果他们和罪行相处得够 久,最后他们就会拥抱罪恶,并且为之所动。” If they remain in contact with it long enough, they finally embrace it, and become influenced by it."
- 他起得很早为了上学不迟到。 He got up early in order not to be late for school.
- 你的新发明将使全世界为之注目。 Your new invention will make the whole world sit up and take notice!
- 你会像今早为我们献唱的罗乔治一样发现宝藏。 Look for the hidden treasures in your lifetime! George Rowe found his hidden treasure.
- 他怕父母训斥,不敢为之。 He dare not do it for fear of parental rebuke.
- 最早为生产用的反应堆,必须使用普通铀作为燃料。 The earliest production reactors necessarily used normal uranium as fuel.
- 他这个人很容易被得罪:你每说的一句话似乎都要为之计较。 He is so easily rubbed up the wrong way; everything you say her seems to take offence at.
- 最早为生产用的反应堆,必须使用普通铀作为燃料。 The earliest production reactors necessarily used normal uranium as fuel.
- 奴隶制被废除了,人们无不为之欢乐鼓舞。 Few people would not exult at the abolition of slavery.
- 描绘在墙壁上的狩猎场面,不仅是艺术的表现形式,这一点早为人们了解。 It has long been known that the hunting scenes depicted on walls were not simply a form of artistic expression.
- 神之所为神者 godhead
- 我们是香港其中一间最早为员工提供弹性福利选择的公司。 We are one of the first Hong Kong employers to offer a truly flexible benefits package.
- 我为之深深感动。 I am profoundly touched.
- 雷汞是最早为人们知道的并易于生产的起爆药,现在它仍被采用。 Mercury fulminate is easy to produce, has been known since earliest times and is still widely used.