- 无线传输TCP/IP协议 wireless communication TCP/IP protocol
- 重点介绍嵌入TCP/IP协议处理的Q2406B模块如何通过AT指令接入internet以及如何和监控中心传输TCP数据。 The emphasis is to introduce how Q2406B embedded TCP/IP connect to the internet and transmit TCP data with monitoring center via AT command.
- 基站发出请求,使用无线传输协议(WTP) 在无线网络中传输。 The request is sent from the base station over the wireless network using the Wireless Transport Protocol (WTP).
- 无线网卡 wireless network card
- 摘要“虚拟主体”是指以TCP/IP协议为基础在互联网上虚构、假设的网络行为的实施者。 "The virtual subject" is the executor of the fictitious or hypothetic network acts on the base of TCP/IP contracts.
- 有线/无线传输模块 wire/wireless transmitting module
- 根据实际应用环境和硬件资源,有选择地实现了TCP/IP协议栈中的部分内容。 According to the practical application environment and the hardware resources, has realized parts of TCP/IP protocol with choice.
- 无线传输层协议与WTP的分析 The analysis of Wireless Transport Protocol and WTP
- (补贴协议)可诉补贴 actionable subsidy
- 无线AP wireless AP
- 近场传输 ear-field transmission
- 《信息技术协议》 ITA (Information Technology Agreement)
- 无线Ad wireless Ad hoc
- 超文本传输规约 hyper text transmission protocol [HTTP]
- 无线CPU wireless CPU
- 电缆信号传输 wired signal transmission
- 无线LED wireless LED
- 补贴协议 Subsidy Agreement
- 无线VPN wireless VPN