- 方法:采用HPLC法。 METHODS: A HPLC method was used.
- 方法:以对乙酰氨基酚为模型药,采用HPLC法测定人口服延迟释放片后唾液中药物浓度。 Method: Acetaminophen was used as the modei drug in saliva of five healthy subjects after oral administration of delayed - release tablets (DRT) by HPLC.
- 法 law
- 无法 unable
- 本文采用HPLC法测定了8例糖尿病患者红细胞的核苷酸含量。 The nucleotide contents in erythrocytes of 8 diabetics were determined by HPLC.
- 用法 usage
- 说法 statement
- 方法:采用HPLC法,Vc检测波长254nm,没食子酸检测波长271nm。 Method: The determination was effected by HPLC condition an detection wavelength of 254nm for vitamin c and 271nm for gallic acid.
- 采用HPLC测定反应的中间产物并据此推断BEF过程降解苯酚的反应机理。 moreover the reaction mechanism of degradation of phenol during the BEF course was deduced.
- 使用手性冠醚及手性柱的HPCE和HPLC法拆分伯胺类药物对映体的对比研究 Study on the Chiral Separation of Drugs Having a Primary Amino Group by HPCE and HPLC Utilizing Chiral Crown Ethers and Column
- 目的 :采用HPLC测定盐酸米托蒽醌葡萄糖注射液中 5 羟甲基糠醛的含量。 OBJECTIVE:RP HPLC method for the determination of content of 5 hydroxymethyl furfuraldehyde(5 HMF) in mitoxantrone dextrose injections is reported.
- 方法:采用湿法制粒制备片芯,以欧巴代OY-P-7171为包衣材料,并采用HPLC考察其体外释放影响因素。 Methods:Flos Lonicerae tablets was developed using wet granulation and Opaday OY-P-7171 as coating materials. The behavior of enteric coated tablets has been evaluated in vitro by dissolution tests and determined by HPLC.
- HPLC法测定关节镇痛片中保泰松和马来酸氯苯那敏的含量 Determination of Phenylbutazone and Chlorphenamine Maleate in Arthrosis Analgestics Tablets by HPLC
- HPLC法用于苯唑西林钠及其制剂中含量和有关物质的测定 HPLC determination of content and related substances of oxacillin sodium and its preparations
- 本研究采用HPLC通过外标法比较组分的保留时间鉴定出部分主要中间产物, In this study, major by-products are identified by comparing the retention times of various components (External reference method) in HPLC
- 改进HPLC法 the improved HPCL method