- 新型仿真系统PAM-CAST A New Simulation System PAM-CAST
- 由于新型仿真平台采用和现场完全一样的人机界面软件和控制组态软件,仿真系统中的人机界面和控制逻辑完全从现场拷贝,大大缩短仿真系统的开发周期。 As the platform adopts the same configuration software as the local, that means the man-machine interface and the control logic are not need to do repetitively, shorting the construction period.
- 新型仿真转台用连续回转电液伺服马达 A New Continuous Rotary Electro-hydraulic Servomotor Applied to Simulator
- 一种新型仿真转台用无脉动连续回转电液伺服马达 A new type of no-pulsation continuous rotary electrohydraulic servo motor applied to simulator
- 双臂空间机器人协调操作运动控制仿真系统的设计与实现 Design and implementation of the coordinated manipulation and motion control of double-arms space robots in simulation system
- 从局网的基本关系式出发,为局网仿真系统建立了一种数学模型。 A common relationship existing in Local Area Networks (LANs) is presented, from which a mathematical model for simulation of LANs is developed.
- 针对当前仿真系统的强实时性和大流量等特点,在比较了现有几种网络通信方法的优缺点和分析了一款新型仿真计算机特点的基础上,提出了一种高效的仿真系统框架。 According to the hard read-time and high rate of flow in the HIL system, we build a high-efficiency simulation system on the base of comparing some existing communication methods and analyzing a new simulation computer.
- 虚拟仿真系统 VR simulation system
- 火控仿真系统 fire control simulation system
- 作战仿真系统 combat simulation system
- 布式仿真系统 Distributed Simulation System
- 电子战半实物仿真系统设计 Design of the Hardware in the Loop Simulation for EW System
- 制导仿真系统 Guidance simulation system
- 仿真系统互联 simulation systems connection
- 培训仿真系统 training simulator
- 嵌入式仿真系统 embedded stimulant system
- 半实物仿真系统 hardware-in-the-loop simulation system
- 原动机仿真系统 prime mover simulation system
- BDZ地面仿真系统 BDZ Ground-simulation System
- 手机操作仿真系统 Mobile Phone Operation Simulation System