- 断层摄影术,X线计算机 Computed tomngraphy
- X线计算机断层摄影术 X-ray computed axial tomography
- 断层摄影术X线 Tomagraph
- X线计算机断层摄影 X-ray Computed tomography
- 体层摄影术X线计算机 Tomography X-ray computed
- 正子放射断层摄影术 positron emission tomography (PET)
- X-线计算机断层摄影术 CT scanning
- 电子束断层摄影术 The EBT maybe refers to Electron Beam Tomography, as is
- X线计算机体层摄影术 x-ray computed tomogrphy
- X线平片断层摄影 computer
- 单电子电脑断层摄影术 SPECT
- X线计算机体层摄影(CT) X-ray computed tomography (CT)
- 计算机断层摄影术 computerized tomography
- 计算机X线摄影术 computed radiography; CR
- 反物质/物质反应在医学成像有实际应用,注意正电子放射断层摄影术(PET)。 Antimatter/matter reactions have practical applications in medical imaging, see Positron emission tomography (PET).
- 计算机X线断层摄影 computer tomography
- 计算机X线体层摄影术 computed tomography
- X线电子计算机断层摄影 X-ray computerized tomography
- X-线计算机体层摄影术 X-ray computed tomography
- 计算机轴断层摄影术 cat.