- 斑茅杂种F1代 Erianthus arundinaceus F1
- 杂种F1 hybrid F1
- 甘蔗斑茅属间远缘杂种后代对NaCl胁迫的响应 Analysis of the Hardiness of the Intergeneric Hybrids between Saccharum L. And Erianthus Michx Subjected to NaCl Stress
- 杂种F1代 Hybrid F1
- F1代杂种山羊 F1 germination hybrid goat
- 斑茅 reedlike sweetcane root
- 杂种F1无性系 Hybrid F1 clones
- 斑茅花 reedlike sweetcane inflorescence
- F1代 F1 generation
- 代言 represent
- 甘蔗斑茅杂交种 Backcross
- 迭代 iteration
- 色斑 splash
- 代步 ride instead of walk
- 祛斑 removing beverage
- 代入 substituting
- 云南蛮耗斑茅血缘 Yunnan-manhao E.arundinaceum
- 代收 collecting for another agency
- 二代 bibasic
- F1代法 F1 screen