- 散射参数(S参数) Scattering parameter (S parameter)
- 高频电路散射参数的探讨 Discussion of High Frequency Circuit Dispersion Parameter
- T-S参数 Thiele-Small parameters
- 多模馈电网络隔离器散射参数分析 Scattering Parameters Analysis of Divider in Multimode Feed Network
- 非S参数 non-S parameter
- 互感器宽频传递特性的散射参数测量法 The Scattering Parameter Method for Measuring the Wide-Band Transfer Characteristics of the PT
- S参数测量 S parameters measurements
- 散射参数 scattering parameter
- 混合模式S参数 mixed mode S-parameter
- 角馈方形微带天线的输入阻抗与散射参数 Input Impedance and S-Parameters of Corner-fed Square Microstrip Antenna
- S参数 S parameter
- 一种提取电子束光刻中电子散射参数的新方法 A New Method to Retrieve Proximity Effect Parameters in lectron-Beam Lithography
- 管芯S参数 chip S- parameters
- 2001年4月22日阳江4.2级地震前部分地震波参数变化特征 Variation characteristic of some seismic wave parameters before the Yangjiang earthquake with M4.2 on April 22,2001
- 罗茨鼓风机性能参数计算机辅助设计系统软件的开发及应用 The Software Development and Application of the CAD System of Roots Blower Character Parameters
- 共轨式电控喷射系统控制参数对柴油机燃烧过程及排放的影响 Investigation on the Effects of Controllable Parameters of the Common-Rail Injection System on the Combustion Process and Emission in a Diesel Engine
- 仅接受命令行参数作为输入并潜在地产生复杂输出的程序可能非常有用。 Programs that take only command-line arguments as input, and produce potentially complicated output, can be very useful.
- 添加酵母提取物和动物血浆蛋白对断奶仔猪生长性能和肠道形态学参数的影响 Effects of yeast extract versus animal plasma in weanling pig diets on growth performance and intestinal morphology
- 生物降解动力学符合Monod模式,动力学参数:Vmax24.49 d-1,KS1 927.69 mg/L. The biodegradation can be described by Monod Equation,and the kinetics parameters are V_(max) 24.49 d~(-1),K_S 1 927.69 mg/L.
- 用类型数组的元素替代当前泛型方法定义的类型参数,并返回表示结果构造方法的 Substitutes the elements of an array of types for the type parameters of the current generic method definition, and returns a