- 改进型PID控制 Improve PID Control
- 改进型PID控制算法 advanced PID control algorithm
- 改进型PID算法主要将经典PID进行抗积分饱和、积分分离改进,这种算法的代码实现简单,实验证明算法对信号变化反映迅速,超调小,效果稳定。 Improved PID algorithm is easy to realize and experiment proofs show controller will reflect quick when signal change.
- 基于位置型PID算法的胶套硫化罐参数控制 Control of the Curing Vessel Parameters Based on Position PID Algorithm
- 改进 to improve
- 增强型PID enhanced PID
- 增量型PID increment PID control
- 改进PID控制 advanced PID control
- 基于液压伺服阀动态特性测试的改进型逆重复伪随机算法 The Application of an Improved Inverse Repeated Pseudo-random Binary Sequence in the Dynamic Characters Testing of the Hydraulic Servo Valve
- 改进型离心机 improvement centrifuge
- 流体中物体运动的PID控制方法的改进 An improved PID control algorithm to body movement in incompressible fluid
- 改进型MBR modified MBR
- 改进型转换接头 modified crossover sub
- 基于模糊PID控制的新型压电型电液伺服阀研究 Research on a New Type of Piezoelectric Electro-hydraulic Servo Valve Based on Fuzzy PID Control
- 改进型轧辊 improved roll
- 变速积分PID控制在磁悬浮轴承控制中的应用和改进 Improving Magnetic Bearing Control Performance by Applying the PID Controller with Changing Integration Rate
- 改进型基因 revised gene
- 某型防空导弹中分时段数字PID控制规律的仿真实现 Simulation on A Time-Segmented Digital PID Control Principle of One Antiaircraft Missile
- 改进型CRI系统 improved constructed rapid infiltration system
- 改进型小波包 improved wavelet packet