- 携带式X射线设备 portable X-ray equipment
- 携带式X射线设备 [化] portable X-ray equipment
- 新型组合式X射线影像增强器 The Novel Combined X-Ray Image Intensifier
- 医疗成像科中的评定和常规试验。第3-4部分:验收试验。牙科X射线设备的成像性能 Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging departments - Part 3-4: Acceptance tests - Imaging performance of dental X-ray equipment
- 携带式X线机 portable x-ray machine
- 携带式X线发生器 portable x-ray generator
- X射线设备 X-ray equipment
- 一种携带式X线机 Unitrans
- X射线设备 X-ray equipment
- 移动式X光机 Mobil x-ray system
- 射线设备 ray equipment
- 我们带个携带式冰盒装食物和饮料吧! Let's bring an esky for food and drink.
- γ-射线设备 gamma ray apparatus
- 血清样品中胆固醇的携带式测定仪的开发 Development of a Point-of-Care Test System for the Analysis of Total Cholesterol in Serum Sample
- 电源开关设备用交流高压电力真空断路器的X射线辐射限值 Interrupters Used in Power Switchgear, X-Radiation Limits for AC High-Voltage Power Vacuum
- 医用X射线设备 medical X-ray equipment
- 使用丙烷气体的快速型携带式野营加热器。补充件 Portable catalytic camp heaters for use with propane gas; Addenda
- 固定式X射线机 stationary X-ray equipment
- 光学射线设备 optical radial device
- 携带式 portable