- 搜索心爱Zip文件夹 Search for Favorite Zip Folders.
- 年轻的妈妈丧失了自己心爱的女儿是任何东西也弥补不了的。 Nothing can compensate the young mother for the loss of her favrourite daughter.
- 把这封信放在主要文件夹中。 Put this letter in the main file.
- Y形搜索 Y search
- "与或" 搜索图 AND-OR search graph
- 保密资料文件夹 RDCF
- 我的心爱的! My heart's darling!
- α-β搜索 α-β search
- 题目文件夹 [计] problem folder
- "与或" 图的搜索 searching AND/OR graph
- 这男孩心爱的玩具是溜溜球。 The boy's favorite toy is a yoyo.
- 文件夹中有执行文件, OZI explore DEV comm file
- 她的女儿是她心爱的宝贝。 Her daughter is very dear to her.
- 链搜索 chaining search
- 从文件夹里抽出一份报告 take a report out of the file
- 他心爱的竖琴啊永远不再弹响 The harp he lov'd ne'er spoke again
- 宽带搜索 wide band scan
- 禁用脱机文件夹文件(.ost) Disable an Offline Folder file (. Ost)
- 广度搜索 Breadth First Search
- 包存储区表示Integration Services服务管理的文件系统位置中的文件夹。 The package store represents the folders in the file system location that the Integration Services service manages.