- 描述错误的String对象。 A String object that describes the error.
- 属性初始化为系统提供的、描述错误的消息,如“试图访问缺少的方法。”。此消息将考虑当前系统区域性。 Property of the new instance to a system-supplied message that describes the error, such as "Attempted to access a missing method." This message takes into account the current system culture.
- 表示会话绑定的所有对象名称的String对象数组 An array of String objects specifying the names of all the objects bound to this session
- 任何一种在字符串上操作的方法,返回的都是一个新的、包含修改过的字符串的String对象。 Each method that operates on a string typically returns a new String object that holds the modified string.
- 属性初始化为由系统提供的用来描述错误的消息,如“尝试读取或写入受保护的内存。 Property of the new instance to a system-supplied message that describes the error, such as "Attempted to read or write protected memory.
- 字符串是不可变的,因此,每次修改该字符串时都会创建新的String对象。 Strings are immutable, so a new String object is created every time you modify the string.
- 属性返回描述错误的文本消息;您可以更改该消息,使意思不明确的消息更易于理解。 Property returns a text message describing the error; you can alter it to make a cryptic message easier to understand.
- 然而,s指向的String对象依然占据着内存空间。 However, the String object that s was pointing to is still occupying memory.
- 每个异常都由错误代码和描述错误起因的文本字符串组成。 Every exception consists of an error code and a text string that describes the source.
- 对于用new语句创建的String对象,可以设置自定义属性 For String objects created with the new statement, custom properties can be set
- 只因为未取指纹而让他们免于受罚,这种做法肯定是错误的。 It would surely be wrong to let them go scot-free just for lack of finger-prints.
- 没有缺点错误的人是没有的。 No one is free from shortcomings or exempt from making mistakes.
- 比较两个指定String对象的子字符串。 Compares substrings of two specified String objects.
- 关联的字符串,它更完整地描述错误源。 That more fully describes the source of the error.
- 命名生成错误的对象或应用程序的String表达式。 String expression naming the object or application that generated the error.
- 错觉,假象对现实错误的看法 An erroneous perception of reality.
- 比较两个指定的String对象,比较时忽略或考虑大小写,并使用特定于区域性的信息来影响比较结果。 Compares two specified String objects, ignoring or honoring their case, and using culture-specific information to influence the comparison.
- 我给完全搞糊涂了,结果在处理那个问题时采用了错误的方法。 I was so mixed up that I used the wrong method in that problem.
- 参数,您可以传递任何描述错误情形的字符串信息;不检查文件或路径。 Parameter, you can pass any string information that is descriptive to the error condition; there are no checks on file or path.
- 错误的结论. incorrect conclusions