- 拟Newton迭代 Newton iteration
- 载人飞船上升段轨道的Newton迭代设计法 Newton Iterative Design Approach for Manned Spacecraft Ascent Trajectory
- 光滑化拟Newton法 smoothing quasi-newton methods
- BFS秩2拟Newton方法 rank - two BFS quasi Newton method
- Newton迭代公式 Newton iterative formula
- 逆Broyden秩1拟Newton方法 single rank inverse Broyden quasi Newton method
- Newton迭代 Newton iteration
- 列修正拟Newton法在并行算法中的应用 One Application of Column Update Quasi-Newton Method in Parallel Algorithm
- Newton迭代法 Newton iterative method
- 迭代 iteration
- Gauss-Newton迭代 Gauss-Newton iteration
- 新型Newton迭代法 new Newton method
- 连续迭代 subsequent iteration
- Newton迭代及其生成的3D分形图象 Newton Iteration and Its Generated 3D Fractal Image
- 迭代参数 iterative parameter
- 不可约对称三对角矩阵特征值的Newton迭代算法 Newton Iterative Arithmetic of a Unreduced Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrix with Eigenvalues
- 迭代域 iteration domain
- 迭代最小平方 iterative least squares
- 对分迭代 bisection iterative method
- 共轭迭代 conjugate gradient