- 抢占式时间Petri网 preemptive petri net
- 网 network
- 混杂时间Petri网 hybrid timed Petri nets
- 基于EDF抢占式调度的周期任务最小响应时间分析 The Best-Case Response Time Analysis of EDF Preemptive Scheduled Tasks
- 着色时间Petri网 Colored - timed Petri net
- 抢占式 preemptive
- 圆式时间观念 cyclic view of time
- 内网 Intranet
- 电脑网 computer network
- 间隔式时间信号 rhythmic time signal
- 网的 retiary
- 抢占式调度 Preemption Scheduling
- 扩展时间Petri网 Extended time Petri nets
- 显式时间积分 explicit integration method
- 抢占式内核 preemptive kernel
- 正弦式时间变化 sinusoidal time variation
- 宝钢热轧步进梁控制系统的Petri网建模及分析 Petri Net Modeling and Analysis for Step Beam Control System in Hot-rolling Mill of Baosteel
- 子式时间继电器 electronical time relay
- Petri网在机器人烟包开包控制中的应用 Application of Petri Nets in the control of the unpacking of tobacco leaf package with robot
- 可抢占式内核 preemptible kernel