- 抗A植物凝集素 anti-A-phytohemagglutinin
- 植物凝集素 phytolectin
- 抗A血凝素 anti-A hemagglutinin
- 植物凝集素类 Plant lectins
- 植物 plant
- 抗A抗体 anti-A antibody
- 素 plain
- 抗A与抗B anti-A (B)
- 植烷酸,植物凝集素 phytanic acid
- 抗A分型血清 anti-A blood typing serum
- 抗A血型血清 anti-A blood grouping serum<诊断用药>
- 植物凝集素,外源凝集素 phytoagglutinin; lectin; plant agglutinin; plant lectin
- 自身抗Aβ抗体 Autoantibedies to Aβ
- 凝集素 agglutinin
- IgG抗A(B)抗体 anti-A (B) blood type of IgG
- 植物血凝素,植物凝集素 phytohemagglutinin
- IgG抗A(B)效价 Anti-A(B)IgG titers
- 甘露糖结合凝集素基因54号密码子多态性与川崎病易感性的研究 Correlation between mannose-binding lectin gene codon 54 polymorphism and susceptibility of Kawasaki disease
- 影响抗A杂交瘤细胞抗体分泌的部分因素 The study of fact that influence the anti-A antibody of hybridoma
- 湖北地区汉族人群甘露糖结合凝集素基因多态性与冠心病易感性关系研究 The study on the relationship between genotype polymorphism of mannose-binding lection and susceptibility to coronary artery disease in the subjects of Han nationality of Hubei province