- 我玩了太多UO。 I am playing UO too much.
- 男孩:我需要一些粗粮来帮助消化,因为妈妈给我吃了太多油腻的食物。 Boy: I need some coarse grain to cure my indigestion, as my mother has fed me with too much greasy food.
- 我玩了很多游乐项目,包括太空山、维尼熊的冒险,巴斯光年等等。 I tried some amusement items, including Space Mountain?the Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Buzz Lightyear, and so on.
- 查理和我玩了两个多小时的扑克牌,双方依然不见输赢。 After playing poker for more than two hours, Charlie and I were still even-Steven.
- 学生头脑里给塞满了太多的具体知识。 Students were overloaded with facts.
- 那个游戏我玩了不下一千次。 I have played that game more than a thousand times.
- 或许我妈妈错过了太多与她自己的孩子在一起的时间,因此她在孙辈中找到补偿。 Perhaps because Mom missed so much time with her own kids, she made it up with her grandchildren.
- 这个国家经历了太多的战争。 The country has gone through too many wars.
- 别胡闹了,告诉我你想从城里带点什么回来,我可没什么闲工夫陪你玩了。 Stop mucking about and tell me what you want brought back from town. I haven't got all day.
- 他吃了太多油腻的食物。 He glutted himself with rich rood.
- 父亲多时未带孩子们晚上出去玩了。 Father hasn't had a night out with the boys in a coon's age.
- 我吃了太多的糖果。 I ate too much candy.
- 你空闲时会做什么?答:我爱棒球。事实上,我今天就打了会。太好玩了。 What do you do in your free time? I love playing baseball. As a matter of fact, I just played some today. It was a lot of fun.
- 火车里挤进了太多的人。 Too many people were squared into the train.
- 我喝了太多的咖啡。 I drank too much coffee.
- 可能我们用掉了太多的能源。 We are probably using too much energy.
- "他对我们的活动知道的太多了,我来干掉他。" 那个老强盗说。 "He knew too much about our activities, I'll look after him, " The old robber said.
- 我的袖子让钉头扯破了,那钉头突出木栅栏太多了。 I caught my sleeve on a nailhead that was standing proud of the wooden fence.
- 当然,我尊重您的意见。但是公?上交通事故太多了。 I respect your opinion, of course. However, there are too many accidents on the road.
- 我们看到了太多的伟大的上半场比赛,然后是一个令人心碎的溃败。 We have seen plenty of great first halves that led to heartbreak.