- 他设法克制住了阵阵愤怒。
He managed to subdue his mounting anger.
- 他们对他们的老师感到强烈愤慨。
They felt strong indignation against their teacher.
- 我对不公平地被解雇表示愤慨。
I expressed my indignation at being unfairly dismissed.
- 这条消息引起了极大的愤慨。
The news roused great indignation.
- 他气愤得说不出话来。
Indignation bereft him of speech.
- 对于他们枪杀无辜平民,人们感到义愤填膺。
People are indignant by their shooting of innocent civilians.
- 他对被诬告愤愤不平。
He is indignant at the false accusation.
- 全世界的人们都对北约的暴行感到义愤填膺。
People all over the world are filled with indignation with the ferocity of NATO.