- 愈创内酯C zaluzanin C
- 愈创内酯 guaianolide
- 内 internal
- 银杏内酯C ginkalide C
- 假愈创内酯 hymenograndin
- 竹柏内酯C nagilactone C(抗肿瘤作用)
- 愈创营养油 Yuchuang Yingyang Oil
- 内的 inner
- 气相色谱法测定鲜竹沥中愈创木酚的含量研究 Determination of Guajacolum in Bamboo Juice with Vapor Phase Chromatography
- 阿魏内酯C farnesiferol C
- 去甲二氢愈创木酸对恶性胶质瘤细胞周期的影响 Effects of Nordihy Droguaiaretic Acid on the Cell Cycle of Human Malignant Glioma Cells
- 微创内镜手术 laparoscope
- 山道内酯C santanolide C
- 复方糖浆剂中盐酸异丙嗪和愈创木酚磺酸钾的HPLC测定 Determination of Promethazine Hydrochloride and Potassium Guaiacol-sulfonate in Syrup by HPLC
- 微创内固定系统 Less invasive stabilization system
- 去甲二氢愈创木酸对人恶性胶质瘤细胞系CHG-5生长的影响 Effects of NDGA on the growth of a human malignant glioma cell line CHG-5
- 山兰内酯C hiyodorilactone C
- 做创内固定系统 Less Invasive Stabilization System(LISS)
- 去甲二氢愈创木酸与氨甲喋呤、长春新碱配伍对人恶性胶质瘤细胞株的作用 Effects of nordihydroguaiaretic acid treatment combined with Methotrexate or Vincristine on a human malignant glioma cell line
- 内酯 lactone