- 总汽门U形夹 throttle clevice
- G形夹 G cramp
- 主汽门|主汽阀 main throttle valve
- U形河曲内的土地在有这样的弯管的河里的地 The land within such a bend of a river.
- 再热汽门 reheat stop valve
- U形夹头 U clamp
- 安全门 exit
- U形夹口宽度 clevis width
- 再热联合汽门 reheat stop interceptor valve
- 他总喜欢自吹自擂。 He loves to sing his own praises.
- 单U形坡口 single-U groove
- 我用计算器算出开支的总金额。 I totaled my expenses with a calculator.
- 六角形 hexagon
- 新生看起来总像植物人。 The freshmen always seem like vegetables.
- 复式汽门|复式节流阀 multiple throttle
- 八边形 octagon
- 啊,你们俩还是单独去吧!你们不想我硬夹在你们中间吧。 On, you two go by yourselves! You don't want me coming along playing gooseberry.
- 认为财富总能带来幸福是一种错误的见解。 It is a fallacy to suppose that riches always bring happiness.
- "爸,开门!让我进来,我回来啦!" "Father! Open up! Let me in, I'm home."
- 主妇总是保持水槽的清洁。 The housewife always keeps the sink clean.