- 怡然自得 happy and pleased with oneself
- 洋洋得意 walk on air
- 约翰尼习惯于户外生活,故而夜晚在林中感到怡然自得。 Johnny was an outdoor man and could make himself at home in the woods at night.
- 自马尔科姆得到那份他一直非常想得到工作后,他一直洋洋得意。 Malcolm has been walking on air since he was offered that job he has been trying so hard for.
- 使我怡然自得 To make me feel at ease
- 他因获胜而洋洋得意。 He gloried in his triumph.
- 她一人在花园里也很怡然自得。 She also delectated herself greatly in the garden.
- 他怡然自得的心情渐渐消失了。 His mood of contentment was beginning to lapse.
- 他因获得冠军而洋洋得意。 He gloried in his winning the championship.
- 他怡然自得地双手搂着她的腰肢。 His hands were clasped loosely around her waist.
- 一个有修养的潇洒的年轻人;穿戴整洁的下士戴着他洋洋得意的帽子。 a clean-cut and well-bred young man; the trig corporal in his jaunty cap.
- 人要有空间才能怡然自得。 One needs space to be oneself.
- 他洋洋得意. He's mighty pleased with himself.
- 他们知道自己对胜利有所贡献而怡然自得。 They are exuberating in the knowledge of having contributed to victory.
- 在回到船上之前,我一直为我的绝妙的讨价还价而洋洋得意。 I felt especially pleased with my wonderful bargain -- until I got back to the ship.
- 牛羊骏马在这里怡然自得。 Cattle, sheep and horses graze leisurely.
- 那男孩因考试成绩优秀而洋洋得意。 The boy was flushed with good examination results.
- 我怡然自得地轻松了几个小时。 I spent a few hours quietly relaxing.
- 洋洋得意的 jaunty
- 他怡然自得地听那美妙的音乐。 He listened with pleasure to the beautiful music.