- 忍冬苦苷C loniceroside C
- 忍冬苦苷A loniceroside A
- 毛花苷C,西地兰,毛花苷丙,毛花一级丙苷,毛花洋地黄苷C Cedilanid; Ceglunat; Celadigal
- 西地兰,毛花洋地黄苷,毛花苷丙,毛花苷C,毛花一级丙苷,毛花丙苷 Cedisanol
- 番红花苦素,藏红花苦苷,苦藏花素 picrocrocin
- c语言
- HPLC法测定花锚中落干酸和龙胆苦苷的含量 Simultaneous Determination of Loganic acid and Gentianaceae in Herba Haleniae by HPLC
- C语言程序设计 Programming in C
- 冥思苦想 contemplate
- 黄褐毛忍冬总皂苷 fulvotomentoside
- 愁眉苦脸 pull a long face
- 地黄苷C rehmannioside C
- 优化提取工艺对龙胆中两种苦苷提取率的影响 Effects of optimization extraction technology of extraction rate of two kind of gentiopicrin in Radix Gentiana
- 毛花苷C Lanatoside C
- 陕西陇县野生和栽培秦艽中龙胆苦苷的含量比较 Comparison of Gentiopicroside Content between Wild and Culturing Gentiana L. In Shaanxi Province
- 黄夹次苷C theveneriin
- 鸦胆子苦素C bruceine C
- 银杏苦内酯 C ginkgolide C
- 桔梗皂苷C platycodoside C
- 龙胆苦苷 gentiamarin