- 微卫星DNA标记 Microsatellite DNA marker
- 微卫星DNA标记与边鸡生长性状关系的研究 Effect of Micro-satellite DNA Loci on Growth Traits of Bian Chicken
- 鸡的微卫星DNA标记与胴体性状的相关分析 Analysis of Relationships Between Microsatellite DNA Markers and Meat Production Traits in Chickens
- 玫瑰冠鸡微卫星DNA标记与生长性状相关性分析 Correlation Analysis of Microsatellite DNA Markers and Growth Traits in Rose Cockscomb Chickens
- 家鹑与野生日本鸣鹑群体微卫星DNA标记的遗传学分析 Genetic Analysis of Microsatellite DNA Markers in Domestic Quail and Wild Japanese Quail Populations
- 微卫星DNA标记对乌苏里江哲罗鱼遗传多样性的分析 Genetic analysis for Hucho taimen in Wusuli River with microsatellites
- 皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai)微卫星DNA的筛选与引物设计 Isolation and Primer Designing of Microsatellite Marker in the Pacifi Abalone(Haliotis discus hannai)
- DNA标记 DNAmarker
- 微卫星重复 Microsatellite repeats
- DNA标记技术 DNA marker technique
- 卫星DNAβ Satellite DNAβ
- 微卫星座位 microsatellite Iocus
- 随机DNA标记 Random DNA marker
- 微卫星技术 microsatellite technology
- 内标准DNA标记 internal standard DNA marker
- 家蚕微卫星标记的筛选及其在遗传多样性分析中的应用。 Development and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Microsatellite Markers in Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.
- DNA标记辅助选择 MAS
- 异源四倍体鲫鲤及其原始亲本遗传变异的微卫星标记分析 Microsatellite Marker Analysis of Genetic Variation Between the Allotetraploid Crucian-carp and Their Original Parents
- 随机引物DNA标记系统 random primed DNA labeling system
- 微卫星DNA microsatellite DNA