- 强单调T2 strongly monotonically T2
- 强 powerful
- 强单调 strongly monotone
- F强单调 F-strongly monotone
- 强的 strong
- 强单调性 strong monotonic property
- 强单调函数 strongly monotonic function
- 最强 ff [fortissimo]
- 强人 strong man
- 单调性 monotonicity
- 单调递增 monotone increasing
- 很强 ff
- 单调T2 monotonically T2
- 好强 eager to do well in everything
- 责任心强 responsible
- 单调地 monotonously
- 世界500强 500 tops of the world
- 单调递减 monotone decreasing
- 刚强 unyielding
- 单调乏味 tedium