- 弹载SAR missile-borne SAR
- 弹载SAR图像几何失真校正误差分析 Error Analysis of Geometric Distortion Correction of Missile-Borne SAR Image
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- 超大前斜视空空弹载SAR成像实现方法研究 Air-to-air Missile-Borne SAR Imaging Processing of Forward-Looking Squinted Data
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- 基于等效斜视距离模型的高分辨率星载SAR波数域成像算法 Equivalent-Squint-Range-Model Based Wavenumber Domain Focusing Algorithm for High Resolution Spaceborne SAR
- 星载SAR天线 space-borne SAR antenna
- 弹载捷联惯导系统快速两位置自对准 Fast two-position self-alignment in missile SINS
- 星载SAR图像的斑点噪声抑制与滤波研究 Speckle noise suppression and filtering methods for spaceborne SAR images
- 长序列星载SAR long-term spaceborne SAR
- 弹载毫米波脉冲多普勒雷达制导信息处理研究 Study on Missle-borne MMW PD Radar Guidance Information Processing
- 星载SAR在轨功率测试的姿态误差影响分析 The Analysis of Attitude Error Influence on the Transmitting SAR On-orbit Power Measurement
- 星载SAR卫星天线扰动对波束中心指向的影响 Study on SAR Satellite Beam Directivity of Antenna Jitter
- 弹载扫描系统探测波束的存在并且确定其离波束边界的远近。 Scanning systems onboard the missile detect the presence of the beam and determine how close the missile is to the edges of it.
- 基于椭圆轨道的星载SAR面目标原始数据模拟 Area Target's Raw Data Simulation of Spaceborne SAR Based on Elliptical Orbit
- 星载SAR spaceborne SAR