- 弹性蛋白酶,胰酞酶E elastase
- 胰酞酶E elastase
- 抑胰酞酶 Aprotinin
- 弹性酶,胰肽酶E,弹性水解酶,弹力纤维酶,弹性蛋白酶 Elastase; Elastolytic Enzyme
- 弹性酶,弹性蛋白酶,胰肽酶E,弹性水解酶,弹力纤维酶 Pancreatopeptidase
- 抑酞酶 Apotininum; Aprotinin; Bayer A-128; Contrykal; Inhibere; Inhibitus; Iniprol; Pancreatic; Toypsinum; Trasylol; Trypsinum; Zymofrem
- 新型弹性蛋白酶抑制剂西维来司钠临床前药理及机制研究 The pre-clinical pharmacology and mechanism of sivelestat sodium, a novel neutrophile elastase inhibitor
- 抑酞酶注射液 Aprotinin
- 酶的 enzymatic
- 弹性蛋白酶 elastolytic enzyme
- 目的:利用基因芯片和实时定量聚合酶链反应(real-time PCR)分析胆囊胆固醇结石病人肝脏中羧肽酶E(carboxypeptidase E,CPE)的mRNA表达,探讨CPE与胆囊胆固醇结石形成可能相关的分子机制。 Objective To survey carboxypeptidase E(CPE) mRNA expression by cDNA microarray and real-time PCR in the liver of patients with cholesterol gallstone(CGS),and to reveal the role of CPE in the formation of CGS.
- 弹性蛋白酶原 proelastase
- γ-谷酰胺转酞酶 gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; γ-glutamyl transpeptidase
- 中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶 neutrophil elastase
- 酶解 zymohydrolysis
- 碱性蛋白酶E alkaline protease E
- 内胰蛋白酶 endotrypsin
- 酶活性 enzyme activity
- 胰蛋白酶肽 tryptic peptide
- Bacillus sp.EL31410弹性蛋白酶发酵条件优化及分离纯化研究 Optimization of Bacillus sp.EL31410 Cultivation Conditions and Purification of Elastase