- 弱条件下同胚的ACL性质 The ACL Property of Homeomorphisms under Weak Conditions
- 用压缩映射原理证明较弱条件下的隐函数存在定理 Using contraction mapping principle to prove implicit function existence theorem under weak condition
- 牛顿迭代法在弱条件下的二阶收敛性和比值收敛因子 Quadratic Convergence and Convergence Ratio Factor of Newton's Iteration Method Under Weak Conditions
- 具有跟踪性可扩同胚的链回归集的性质 On the property of Chain Regression Set of Trackable Expendable Homoeomorphism
- 不同条件下同一离子方程式的书写 Writing the identical ionic equation under different conditions
- 利用动力系统理论推导出该方法的迭代公式,证明其在某些弱条件下至少是二阶收敛的,最后给出了数值结果。 We have deduced the iterative formula by the theory of the dynamic system, proved that the quadratic convergence holds under the weak conditions, and done the numerical experiments.
- 摘要给出具有跟踪性可扩同胚的链回归集的几个性质,指出以往文献中证明链回归集无环性时的错误之处,并给出严格的证明。 The present paper presents the chain recurrent set with the expansive homeomorphism and shadowing properties and this connection for the mistake in literature [1] and its proof.
- 解非线性凸规划问题的组合同伦法的较弱条件 A Weaker Condition of Combined Homotopy Interior Point Me thod for Solving Nonlinear Convex Programming
- 他们不知疲倦毫无怨言地在极端艰苦的条件下努力工作。 Under bitter hardship, they have struggled on tirelessly and uncomplainingly.
- 同伦内点法解一般非线性规划K-K-T点的较弱条件 A weaker condition of combined homotopy interior point method for getting K-K-T point of general nonlinear programming
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。 NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 在无加热的条件下,我想,轧制过程中不会生成鳞皮吧! In the absence of heat, I think, no oxide coating should form during rolling.
- 非越位的处于这种位置,以便在不违反规则的条件下踢球或接同伴的传球 In such a position as to be able to play or receive a ball or puck legally.
- 品质(质量)索赔是在货物质量低劣或是质量改变的条件下发生的。 Claim on quality originates from inferior quality of goods or quality changes.
- 注:对照(ck)坐果率为不经人工授粉、在自然条件下即开放授粉系统中所统计的坐果率。下同。 Note:CK means that the statistic data was gained under the natural condition without manual pollination. The same below.
- 清脑益智方药血清在缺氧培养条件下对人胚大脑神经细胞的影响 Effects of Qing Nao Yi Zhi Fang on Human Fetal Cerebral Neuronal Cells in Primary culture with Oxygen Deprivation Condition
- 求多目标拟锥条件下最小弱有效解的同伦内点算法 Homotopy Interior-point Method for Solving Minimal Weak Effect Solutions of Multi-object Programming under Quasi-normal Cone Condition
- 不同场冷条件下磁场分布与单畴YBCO块材吸引力之间的关系 Relationship between the magnetic field distribution and attractive force of single-domain YBCO bulk under different field cooling processes
- 一个固体表面的润湿,是指它同特定的液体,在特定条件下接触的状态。 The wetting of a solid surface is understood to be the condition resulting from its contact with a specified liquid under specified condition.
- 方法相同条件下曝光来自同一批的15张Kodak X-Omat-V胶片,随机分成5个组,每组3张。 Methods With films having identical exposure,15 ready-pack Kodak X-omat-V films from the same batch were divided into 5 groups and exposed one by one under the identical conditions.