- 引物DNA, DNA引物 primed DNA
- DNA引物 primed DNA
- 引物DNA primed DNA
- DNA引物酶 DNA primase
- 随机引物DNA多态性 Random amplification of polymorphic DNA
- 随机引物DNA标记系统 random primed DNA labeling system
- 随机引物DNA合成标记系统 random primed DNA labeling system
- 随机引物DNA(合成)标记系统 random primed DNA labeling system
- 端粒DNA序列在K~+、Na~+等离子的存在下能够形成稳定的G4-DNA结构,这种结构阻碍了端粒酶对端粒DNA引物的识别,从而抑制了端粒酶的表达。 The G-rich single-stranded telomeric DNA can adopt in vitro a variety of different non-B-DNA conformations such as an intramolecular quadruplex structure (G4-DNA).
- 因而,设计PCR引物时宜选择Takahashi等分离株为标准。 In China these viruses share high homology with Takahaski’s strains which might be good standards for primer designation.
- 锚定引物中扩增效果最好的是以CG或GC结尾的AP2、AP7。 the most effective anchored primers were AP2 and AP7 ended by CGs or GCs .
- 同源引物差示PCR方法的建立及胎肝特异表达基因的差示筛选 Development of Analogy Primer-mediated Differential Display-PCR and Identification of New Genes Differentially Expressed in Human Fetal Liver
- 采用两对 P C R 引物检测尿道及生殖道分泌物中的沙眼衣原体。 Tw o pairs of P C R prim ers are used to test the chlam ydia trachom atis insecretion from urethra and vagina.
- 番茄RAPD分析有效引物3'端序列的偏倚分布及其与基因组序列结构的关系 A Partial Distribution of the 3' Sequences of Effectual Primers in RAPD Analysis for Lycopersicon sp. And with Relation to Sequential Feature of Tomato Genome
- 根据基因库己报道的人ICAM-2启动子和人CD59 intronl序列分别设计了两对引物。 According the reported sequence of human ICAM-2 promoter and DAF intron-1 in Gene Bank, designed two pairs of premiers respectively.
- 在SR1基因两端设计引物,对绥农10号基因组进行了扩增,经测序获得3972bp的DNA序列SR2。 The gene has been submitted to the GenBank database, and the accession number is AY193892.3 Designed specific primers according to the sequence of SR1, a PCR reaction was done with the genome DNA of Suinong10 as template.
- DNA测序引物 sequencing primer
- (DNA)测序引物 sequencing primer
- 引物原位DNA合成 primed in situ DNA synthesis
- DNA复制引物顺序 DNA replication primer se-quence