- 要是他知道了是谁把他的收音机弄坏了,准够你受的!
When he finds out who broke his radio, you'll really cop it!
- 我说我把它给弄坏了,她可真气极了。
When I said I'd broken it, she really went off the deep end.
- 我想到自己弄坏了电视机,十分 急。
I sweated blood for a while thinking I'd broken the TV.
- 她总胡乱摆弄手表,结果把它弄坏了。
She fiddled with her watch so much that it broke.
- 你撞到了我的手肘,弄坏了我正在画的图画。
You jogged my elbow and spoiled what I was drawing.