- 广义Reynolds方程 general Reynolds equation
- 极限剪切状态下的线接触Reynolds方程 Reynolds Equations of Line Contact Problem for Limiting Shear Condition
- Reynolds方程 Reynolds equation
- 在Reynolds方程中引入了压力流因子和剪流因子,考虑粗糙度对超薄气体膜润滑的影响。 The effect of surface roughness on the static electricity is analyzed through solving the verified Reynolds equation. Pressure flow factor and shear flow factor are included in the verified Reynolds equation.
- 广义 broad sense
- 广义的 general
- 推导出的湍流Reynolds方程中有3处包含湍流修正系数。 Turbulence Reynolds equation deduced contains three turbulence correction items.
- 广义相对论 general theory of relativity
- 本文采用微分离散差分方法求解滑流条件下的修正Reynolds方程。 The modified Reynolds equation under slip-flow condition is solved in this paper using finite difference method of differential discretion.
- 广义CH方程 generalized CH equation
- 压力采用统一Reynolds方程系统求解, 而弹性变形、温升以及热流分配系数则采用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)技术求解。 The pressure distributions on the entire computation domain are obtained through solving a unified Reynolds equation system without identifying hydrodynamic or asperity contact regions.
- 广义PC方程 generalized PC equation
- 根据相似原理,Reynolds方程可转化为常微分方程,求解常微分方程得到二维湍流时均流场的相似解. Hence, the Reynolds equation can be transformed into an ordinary differential equation by similarity considerations, and the equation of velocity distribution behind the groin-like structure can be obtained.
- 广义KdV方程 GKdV equation
- 首先借助Reynolds方程导出挤压油膜的压力分布 ,然后采用二系数法分析挤压油膜阻尼器的非线性特性 . Stress distribution of squeeze film, first, is derived by Reynolds equation. Next, nonlinear property of a squeeze-film damper is analyzed with the aid of "two coefficient method".
- 广义BBM方程 Generalized BBM equation
- 本文介绍一种通过Reynolds方程的变换,应用有限差分法(FDM)求解流体动压滑动轴承(HDL)的一种实用电算方法。 In this paper a practical computer program of solving hydrodynamic lubrication [HDL]of bearing is introduced, using the finite differential method [FDM] based on the transformation of reynolds equation.
- 广义DPNS方程 diffusion parabolized N-S equation
- 广义估计方程 GENMOD