- 广义G-S-KKM映射 generalized G- S- KKM mapping
- 广义度量S-KKM映射 generalized metric S-KKM mapping
- G-凸广义KKM映射 G-convex generalized KKM mapping
- 广义G-M模型 generalized G-M model
- R-KKM映射 R-KKM map
- 广义g-函数 generalized g-function
- F-KKM映射 F-KKM mapping
- 广义g-框架 generalized g-frame
- 关于广义g-函数的BMO有界性 Boundedness of the Generalized g-Function on BMO(R~n)
- G-KKM映射 G-KKM mapping
- 一类由广义g-期望诱导的相干风险度量及其表示定理 A Class of Coherent Measures of Risk via Generalized g-expectation and its Representation Theorem
- R-KKM映射簇 Family of R-KKM mappings
- 他在文件上签上姓名的首字母G.P.S。 He initialed the paper G.P.S.
- 密度曲线的一种画法及其在广义g-h分布模型中的应用 A technique of drawing density curve and its application in the generl g-h distribution models
- s-o-n-g拼成"song"一字。 s-o-n-g spells "song".
- 弱R-KKM映射 weakly R-KKM mapping
- 籼S Xian S
- A-S anti-spoofing(A-S)
- 字符映射表 character map
- S捻 S Twist