- 广义EIF矩阵 generalized ElF matrix
- 矩阵的广义迹 Generalized Trace of a Matrix
- 广义酉矩阵 generalized unitary matrix
- 转换[过渡]矩阵 transition matrix
- 广义相对论的天文学验证 astronomical tests of general relativity
- S矩阵 S matrix
- S矩阵理论 S matrix theory
- 半矩阵 semi matrix
- 半单矩阵 semisimple matrix
- 伴随式矩阵 syndrome matrix
- 广义正定矩阵 generalized positive definite matrix
- 广义质量矩阵 general mass matrix
- 广义传播矩阵 general transmitting matrix
- 矩阵的广义逆 generalize inverse of a matrix
- Ux-广义正定矩阵 Ux -generalized positive definite matrices
- 广义次正定矩阵 extended sub-positive definite matrix
- 广义雅可比矩阵 Generalized Jacobian matrix
- 更广义正定矩阵 further generalized positive definite matrices
- 广义双对称矩阵 general bisymmetric matrix
- 广义Hermite矩阵 generalized (oblique) Hermite matrix