- 广义Duffing方程 generalized Duffing equation
- 高阶Duffing方程 High Order Duffing Equations
- 对称Duffing方程 symmetric Dulling equation
- 无阻尼Duffing方程 non-damping duffing equation
- 非线性Duffing方程 nonlinear Dulling equation
- Duffing方程 Duffing equation
- 时滞Duffing方程 delayed Dulling equation
- n维Duffing方程 n-dimentional Duffing equation
- 广义CH方程 generalized CH equation
- 广义PC方程 generalized PC equation
- 广义KdV方程 GKdV equation
- 复杂策动力项对Duffing方程混沌系统相态的影响 Analysis on the Influence of the Phase-State of Chaotic System in Duffing Equation by Complicated Stimulating Force Item
- 广义BBM方程 Generalized BBM equation
- 推广了Berger和Chen的结果,证明了经典的变分方法对于解决带阻尼的非线性Duffing方程有界解的存在唯一性问题是同样适用的。 The results of Berger and Chen are extended. And the variational method is proved to be available to solve the existence and uniqueness of the almost periodic solutions of nonlinear Duffing equations with damping.
- 广义DPNS方程 diffusion parabolized N-S equation
- 广义估计方程 GENMOD
- 广义预解方程 generalized resolvent equation
- 共振下Duffing方程两点边值问题解的存在唯一性 The Unique Existence of Solution to Bvp of Nonconservative Systems at Resonance
- 广义特征方程 Broad Sense characteristic Equatio
- Duffing型方程 Duffing equation