- 常规内存(符号为: K) 640K conventional memory 640K
- 装入器不能获得所有的常规内存。 Loader cannot get all the Conventional memory.
- 符号为 scandium (Sc)
- 注:启动时同时带光驱和U盘驱动,并且使用UMBPCI开启高端内存以节省常规内存。 Start computer with CD-ROM & &U-Disk support both [UMBPCI].
- 标志符号为一种字体。 The glyph is a font.
- 禁用影像内存就可以让程序能使用更多的常规内存。 Disabling the shadow RAM may make some of it available for programs to use as normal memory.
- 转化为 translate into
- 注:启动时只带光驱驱动,并且使用EMM386开启高端内存以节省常规内存。 Start computer with CD-ROM support only [EMM386 NOEMS].
- 这些符号为实际的类名提供了一种便利简短的代号。 These symbols provide a convenient shortened reference to the actual class names.
- 表现为 register as
- 转变为 translate
- 如果你用的是带有至少640K常规内存和1024K扩展内存的80386SX机,那么,Windows以386增强模式启动。 Windows stars in 386 enhanced mode if you have an 80386 SX computer(or higher) with at least 640k of conventional memory plus 1024K of extended memory.
- 表情符号 emoticon
- k次幂非正的符号模式矩阵 On the Sign Pattern Matrices with Nonpositive k-power
- 约为 be about
- 如果你用的是带有至少640K常规内存和1024K扩展内存的80386SX机,那么,Windows以386增强模式启动。 Windows stars in 386 enhanced mode if you have an 80386 SX computer(or higher) with at least 640k of conventional memory plus 1024K of extended memory.
- 代为 on behalf
- 描述为 describe as
- 如果你用的是80286(或更高级的机器),带有至少640K常规内存和384K扩展内存,那么,Windows以标准模式启动。 Windows starts in standard mode if you have an 80286 computer (or higher ) with at least 640K of conventional memory and 384K of extended memory.
- 比喻为 compare to