- 打发 (v) dispatch sb to do sth
- 打发时间 goof
- 我随时听候差遣。 I await assignment at any moment.
- 他以睡眠打发一个炎热的下午。 He slumbered away a hot afternoon.
- 我现在得去听他的差遣。 I have to go an errand for him now.
- 有时候我感到时间难以打发。 Sometimes I feel time hangs heavy on my hands.
- 再差遣 resend
- 一些难民们被打发走了,因为需要提供食物的饥民太多了。 Some refugees were turned away. There were too many hungry mouths to feed already.
- 差遣官 dispatching officers
- 听差遣 fetch and carry
- 那醉汉自己招人讨厌,因此经理不客气地把他打发走了。 The drunk was making a nuisance of himself and so the manager threw his out on his ear.
- 供差遣 run errands
- 你有办法打发这个漫长的周末吗? Do you have any plans for the long weekend?
- 听从差遣 obey assignment
- 他们花言巧语哄得邻居同意,便把不喜欢的客人打发到他们那里去了。 They palmed their unwelcome guests off on the neighbours.
- 差遣费用 removal expense
- 她来串门只是为了打发时间。 She stopped by just to pass the time of day.
- 听候差遣 await assignment; be at sb.'s disposal
- 她打发儿子到农村去过暑假。 She sent her son away for the summer vacation in the countryside.
- 他们既被圣灵差遣,就下到西流基,从那里坐船往塞浦路斯去。 So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, departed unto Seleucia; and from thence they sailed to Cyprus.