- 工业CT半扫描成像技术 Half-scan mode for industrial CT
- 工业CT大视场扫描成像方法研究 Research of Large Field of View Scan Mode for Industrial CT
- 工业CT(Computerized Tomography)是计算机技术与放射学相结合产生的一种的成像技术。 Industrial Computerized Tomography (ICT) is a kind of imaging technology integrating computer technology with radiology.
- 扫描 scan
- 半 semi-
- 半年 half a year
- 工业计算机断层扫描成像技术 ICT
- 工业CT大视场扫描成像方法研究(英文) Research of Large Field of View Scan Mode for Industrial CT
- 基于工业CT切片数据的反求建模技术 Modeling Technology of Reverse Engineering Based on Industrial CT Slice Data
- 半傅里叶成像技术 Half - Fourier imaging technologies
- 工业CT The Industrial CT
- 红外扫描成像动目标检测跟踪技术与DSP实时实现 Moving Target Detection and Tracking Technology of Infrared Rosette Scan Imaging and Its DSP Real-time Realization
- 激光电子剪切散斑干涉成像技术在复合材料检测中的应用 Laser Shearography and Electronic Speckle Interferometry for Testing Composite Structures
- 工业CT图像 Industrial CT image
- 非扫描成像 scannerless imaging
- 高能工业CT high energy ICT
- MRI FSE T_2和GRE T_2~*成像技术在脊椎转移瘤中的应用 Evaluation of MRI in Displaying Vertebral Metastases:A Comparison between FSE T_2 and GRE T_2~
- 点扫描成像 Mapping
- X射线工业CT industrial X-ray computed tomography
- 井-地电位成像技术及其在孤东八区剩余油分布研究中的应用 Borehole-to-surface electrical imaging technique and its application to residual oil distribution analysis of the eighth section in Gudong Oilfield