- 那乐队进行巡回演出近一个月了。
The band has been on the road for almost a month.
- 该剧将於下月在各地巡回演出。
The play will tour the provincesnext month.
- 巡回法庭中世纪英国由巡回的皇家法官主持的巡回法庭
A circuit court held by itinerant royal justices in medieval England.
- 这一表演在伦敦结束以後,还将在全国各地巡回举行。
The show will tour the provinces after it closes in London.
- 在底特律一明尼阿波利斯一芝加哥三地游走的推销商;巡回讲演的著名演说家
A salesperson on the Detroit-Minneapolis-Chicago circuit; a popular speaker on the lecture circuit.