- 小鼠T细胞 Mouse T cells
- 保肾口服液影响IgA肾病小鼠T细胞增殖及分泌IL-2的实验研究 The Experimental studies of the Protecting Kidney Oral Liquid Affecting the T-cell Proliferation and Secretion IL-2 in IgA Nephrotic mice
- GLB7引起小鼠T细胞中IP3和DAG浓度升高。 GLB 7 increased the production of IP 3 and DAG in mice.
- 马肝汤对CCl_4肝损伤小鼠T细胞亚群作用的研究 Research ofMagantang Decoction on T-lym phocytes Subpopulation in Mice with CCl_4-Caused Liver Dam age
- 小鼠 mouse
- ConA激活的小鼠T细胞CD69表达动力学的体内外研究 Dynamics of CD69 expression on ConA activated mice T lymphocytes in vitro and in vivo
- 中药抗病毒胶囊对小鼠T淋巴细胞亚群和IL-2影响的实验研究 Laboratory studies on Chinese Herbs Antivirus capsule in the response of T lymphocyte subpopulatin and IL - 2 in mice
- 补肾、活血类复方对老年大鼠T细胞凋亡相关基因表达调控模式的比较研究 Comparative Study on Regulation Patterns of Compound Prescriptions for Kidney Tonifying and for Blood Circulation Activating on T-cell Apoptosis Related Gene Expression in Aged Rats
- 小鼠T-bet基因 Murine T-bet gene
- 补肾与健脾复方调节皮质酮鼠T细胞凋亡的对比研究 Comparative Study of Modulating Effect of Kidney Tonifying Recipe and Spleen Invigorating Recipe on T-Lymphocyte Apoptosis in Corticosterone Treated Rats
- IFN-PDS合剂对流感病毒感染小鼠T淋巴细胞增殖反应性的影响 Effects of IFN-PDS on T-lymphocyte proliferation in influenza virus-infected mice
- 黄连解毒汤对实热证大鼠T细胞亚群和IL-2活性的影响 The Effect of Antidotal Decoction of Coptis on T-cell Subpopulation and IL-2 Activity of the Rat with Excess Heat Syndrome
- 人类自然杀伤细胞表面Fcγ受体Ⅲ的抗原决定簇.可用一种小鼠单克隆抗体来检测 Leu 11
- Lipofectin介导转移的外源性ADA基因在小鼠T淋巴细胞中的表达 Expression of Human ADA Gene in Murine T-cells after Lipofectin-mediated Gene Transfer
- 小鼠T淋巴细胞表面的同种抗原 Lyt
- 小鼠L细胞 mouse Lcell
- 小鼠肝细胞 mice hepatic cells
- 仙人掌提取物对小鼠T淋巴细胞增殖的影响 Effects of extract of Cactus on the proliferate of T-lymphocyte in mice
- 小鼠L细胞 mouse L cells
- 工蜂幼虫、蛹对小鼠T淋巴细胞转化功能的影响 The effects of worker honey bee larvae and pupae on T lymphocyte transformation of mouse