- 小鼠B16黑素细胞 B16 murine melanomal cells
- 具有促进小鼠B16黑素瘤细胞黑素合成及TYR活性作用(P<0.05),对细胞TYR基因有上调作用,而对TRP-1/2mRNA的表达无明显作用。 It also promoted melanogenesis and tyosinase activity(P<0.05) in B16 melanoma cells, and up-regulated TYR mRNA , but had no effects on TRP-1/2 mRNA.
- B16黑素瘤细胞 B16 melanoma cells
- 刺蒺藜对小鼠毛囊黑素细胞刺激素表达的影响 Effect of Tribulus terrestris extract on melanocyte-stimulating hormone expression in mouse hair follicles
- 苦参碱及肉桂酸对体外培养小鼠黑素细胞黑素生成的影响 Effects of sophocarpidine and cinnamic acid on the melanogenesis of melan-a
- 小鼠-Vero细胞法 The mice-Vero cell method
- 人毛囊无色素黑素细胞培养的纯化和培养基成分对细胞影响的实验研究 Effective elimination of fibroblasts in cultures of hair follicle amelanotic melanocytes and effect of components in culture medium on the cells
- 豆腐果苷素胶囊对小鼠睡眠时间的影响 Effect on Hilicidum Capsule for Sleep Time of Younger Mouse
- 小鼠成纤维细胞 L cell
- bFGF对人毛囊黑素细胞增殖、活化和黑素合成作用的研究 Effect of bFGF on proliferation, activation and melanin synthesis of human hair follicle melanocytes in vitro
- 魟鱼骨素对荷瘤小鼠免疫功能的影响 Effect of RCE on the Immunological Function of Mice with Tumor
- 成黑素细胞 melanoblast
- 小鼠干细胞样细胞 mouse stem cell-like cell; MSCLC
- 小鼠红白血病细胞 Friend's cell
- 促黑素细胞素 melanotropin
- 成年小鼠心肌细胞 adult mice cardiomyocytes
- 成黑素细胞瘤 melanoblastoma
- 小鼠骨髓巨噬细胞 bone marrow-derived macrophage (BMMs)
- 眼球黑素细胞瘤 Melanocytoma of the eyeball
- 小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞 MEC; MEF; mouse embryo fibroblasts; mouse embryonal fibroblast cell; mouse embryonic fibroblasts