- 射频IC卡基站开发设计 Design of radio frequency IC card
- 低功耗射频IC卡读写器设计 Design low power consumption RF IC card reader
- 一种新型射频IC卡读写器的设计与应用 Design of a New Type Interface Device for Radio Frequency IC Card and Its Application
- 射频IC卡 radio frequency IC card
- 非接触IC卡基站BPSK解调电路的锁相设计实现 A BPSK Demodulation IC with DPLL for Contactless IC Card Base Station
- 在几章侧开发中可以配合基站开发进行调试,向用户演示WCDMA手机可以使用的服务和功能。 With the hardware,it turned to be a WCDMA MT,which used to show the most features that WCDMA could offer to end user.
- 射频IC radio frequency IC
- 远距离高频无源射频IC卡读写系统中双相间隔码的编解码方法 A Coding- Decoding Method for Bi- phase Space Coding in Far Distance High Frequency Non- energy RFID IC Read- write System
- 射频IC卡系统的应用 Application of radio frequency IC clip system
- 他卡西醇 Tacalcitol
- 他卡西妥 tacalcitol<抗银屑病药>
- 他卡西醇,他卡西妥 tacalcitol<抗银屑病药>
- 如果中华人民共和国“窃缺到了我们目前所部署的每种核弹头的“设计情报”的话,那么,责任将部分归咎于克林顿政府目前执行的这些政策。 If the PRC has managed to "steal" "design information" on every one of our currently deployed nuclear warheads,then each of these Clinton Administration policies is partially to blame.
- 主要从事通讯及微波射频类仪器、器件、软件等的开发及销售工作,其产品被广泛应用在手机、基站、有线电视、航空航天和电子工程。 Step Electronics(China)Inc.is in the representative business of marketing and sales for communication and advanced RF microwave instruments, microwave CAD design software etc. in the fields of handset, base-station, CATV, Aeronsutics &Astronautics and Electronics engineering.
- 射频卡及其读写设备内核技术的研究与应用开发 The Research and Application on Core Technology of RF Cards and Readers
- 介绍了一种1.8GHz基站前端射频低噪声放大器(LNA)的设计方法,采用Agilent公司的仿真软件ADS对其进行了仿真和优化,同时完成了实物加工和测试. A method that realizes a LNA for 1.8GHz base station is introduced and the EDA software of ADS is applied to simulate and optimize the performance of topological circuit.
- 射频IC卡SPI智能系统的实现 Implementation of SPI intelligent microsystems with RF-IC cards
- 还介绍了选择探针测试台、射频晶圆探针卡和自动测试设备(ATE)时需考虑的因素。 Factors taken into account when selecting a probe station,RF wafer probecard,and ATE test system will then be discussed.
- 射频卡安全设计策略 Strategy of RF Card Secure Design