- 导电聚苯胺/MnO2电极 conductive polyaniline/MnO2 cathode
- 导电聚苯胺 conductive polyaniline
- 探索了合成可溶性导电聚苯胺的最佳条件。 The PANI was characterized by IR, UV-Vis spectra and XRD patterns.
- MnO2电极 MnO2 electrode
- 非导电聚苯胺膜葡萄糖传感器的研究 Non-conducting polyaniline used as permselectivity membrane for glucose sensor
- 碱性MnO2电极 alkaline MnO2 electrode
- 固相聚合制备导电聚苯胺及其性能的研究 Preparation of Conducting Polyaniline by Solid Polymerization and Its Performance
- 用固相合成法制备纳米MnO2,作为超级电容器材料,通过循环伏安、交流阻抗与恒电流充放电等测试手段对MnO2电极进行分析. The nanophase MnO2 was synthesized by solid- phase reaction as elec trode material for electrochemical supercapacitor and the MnO2 electrode was tes ted by cyclic voltammetry(CV),electrochemical impedance spectrometry (EIS) and c onstant charge- discharge curves.
- 大鼠角朊细胞导电聚吡咯膜原代培养法的建立 Rat Keratinocyte Primary Cultures Based on Conductive Polypyrrole Primary Cell Culture Technique
- 摘要以聚丙烯酸胺为反应基质,分别在聚丙烯酰胺的水、乙二醇溶液中制备了掺杂态导电聚苯胺。 PANT doped with H4SiW12O40 was obtained in the PAM aqueous solution and glycol solution, respectively.
- 本文采用化学法直接合成了导电聚苯胺,研究了合成条件对聚苯胺电导率、Seebeck系数、无量纲优值因子ZT的影响。 Polyaniline was obtained as a fine powder by the chemical oxidation, and researches for effects of the doping parameters for electric conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and their thermoelectric efficiency were carried but.
- 研究了将导电聚吡咯(PPy)薄膜制备在绝缘环氧模塑料(EMC)电子封装材料表面的方法,及导电PPy 薄膜的电磁屏蔽效能。 The method of polypyrrole (PPy) films being synthesized on the surface of insulating epoxy molding compound (EMC) electronic packaging materials and the shielding effectiveness of PPy film were studied.
- 聚苯胺-钯 polyaniline-palladium
- 聚苯胺膜 Polyaniline
- 掺杂态聚苯胺蜂窝状有序多孔薄膜的制备及形成机制的探讨 Fabrication of Ordered Honeycomb Structure Porous Film with Doped Polyaniline and Its Formation Mechanism
- 硫化镉-聚苯胺同轴纳米电缆的制备及其光致发光增强效应 Preparation and Enhanced Photoluminescence of CdS/PANI Coaxial Nanocables
- 聚苯胺电极 Polyaniline electrode
- 聚苯胺薄膜 polyaniline film
- 掺杂聚苯胺 doped polyaniline
- 聚苯胺膜层 polyaniline membrane